Monday, August 29, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Day 12: San Francisco
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Day 11: San Francisco
Finally, we have reached the land of milk and honey. Oh wait, that’s Israel. Which let me tell you, I saw neither hide nor hair of milk and honey. Dry desert stubbornly terraformed with water that I’m sure was raped from an overused aquifer. Hey, that sounds like California too! I digress.
Liz and I woke up in San Mateo, which is just south of San Francisco, helped her parents pack as they were flying back to NY that day, and hopped in the car to drive into the city. All of my previous encounters with San Francisco have been in a car, as my brother lives in the east bay not near the BART. I hate driving into SF, much as I hated driving into NY. It’s not so much the driving that is annoying, but the parking. For this reason I have never warmed to SF, which was always a niggling doubt in the back of my mind when I made the decision to move here. Problem is I couldn’t think of any other place I would like better, either. Liz and I decided to park in a lot, something that goes against every fiber of my NY being, but we didn’t want to drive around all day in unfamiliar neighborhoods trying to score a spot only to return to find a ticket on the car for some arcane parking violation. Not that they necessarily have arcane parking violations here, but I’m sure the police officers would take one look at Irma’s NY plates and make something up on the spot. So a lot it was.
We whipped out the free AAA tourbook to SF and started on a walking tour. It started in Union Square, the hip, fashion center of SF, anchored by a Macys, Neiman Marcus, Tiffany’s, Saks 5th, etc, and conveniently enough, where we parked. Right off Union Square we took in a sidewalk art fair and walked into the Xanadu Gallery, which is housed in a Frank Lloyd Wright building. The exterior of the building is very modern but not that distinguishing, the inside spiral theme is reminiscent of the Guggenheim. In fact Wright used the Xanadu as a test before he designed the Guggenheim. The spiral is as amazing in a small scale as it is in the much larger museum.
On the other side of Union Square is the gorgeous Westin St. Francis hotel, survivor of the 1906 earthquake and fire that destroyed 90% of SF’s buildings. We waltzed in to the lobby, mentally laughing in the face of the upperclass gentility that frequent the joint, to use their bathroom. Best place to find a bathroom on a trip – a nice hotel. Walk in like you are a guest, the bathroom is usually to the side of the lobby, and nobody will look twice. Luckily today even in expensive hotels the guests dress in casual attire, so it’s harder to spot the fakes.
After our brief refresh we continued on the tour through Chinatown, which looked much like NY’s Chinatown, tho not as big. We stopped for buns at a Chinese bakery; mmm were they good. I got a roast pork bun, my favorite, and a creamed corn bun.
Much like in New York, next to Chinatown is the Italian neighborhood of North Beach, which is larger, and slightly more authentic than NY's Little Italy. At this point Liz remarked that really I wasn’t leaving NY at all; that in all the neighborhoods we had seen SF was just a west-coast clone with hills. I partly agreed with her, there’s a reason I chose SF over LA and that’s because it’s a city, but SF has a different character that I like. It’s a nice mix of big city edge with California laid-back attitudes. We walked by the Vesuvio café, home of the beat poets, and grabbed a coffee in Café Trieste, a charming and tourist crowded café.
North Beach is also the home of Telegraph Hill. We climbed to the top which features Coit Tower, a phallic symbol if there ever was one. Sure, its supposed to represent a fire hose, as Lillian Coit was an obsessive fan of firehouses, but really, a tall round building on a top of a hill, if that's not phallic then what is. Great view, tho.
We hiked down the Greenwich steps on the other side of Telegraph hill, where wild parrots live, and my thighs felt like we were descending the inner wall of the Grand Canyon again. We walked back up the Filbert steps and walked down to Del Monte square.
They had a small farmer’s market that day and we bought the most delicious plums and apricots. God I love California. Del Monte square is just off Fisherman’s Wharf, so we were spared the mass hysteria of tourist throngs of that area.
No trip to Fisherman's Wharf is complete until you ride the famous cable car. We walked to the end of one of the cable car lines, the Powell-Hyde, where they put the car on a platform and turn it by hand to go back up the tract. We decided to continue in the uber tourist tradition we had been adopting all day and ride the cable car. It was $3, which may seem like a lot but compared to the $5 it would increase to in 2 days it was a relative bargain. SF is smart in some ways, as even tho the cable car is part of the Muni system they charge more for it as most of the people who ride the Cable Car are tourists so why not profit off of them. If you are a resident of the bay area and own a monthly muni card you can ride the cable car for free, but you cannot transfer from a Muni bus to the cable car for free. The line was really long, as this was a prime tourist designation, but we decided to wait on line like everyone to experience it just this once. It took an hour, which is absurd. We had the usual line dynamics, people standing around in the hot sun alternately waiting patiently and complaining to their fellow line waiters about the length of the wait. We also had the typical line jumpers, in this case an elderly trio who didn’t really speak English and cut just behind us when the line made a turn and tried to edge up everytime the line moved. Liz, myself, and the people behind us talked loudly about how rude they were in an effort to embarrass them enough to step out, but they didn’t listen. So Liz point blank told them to get off and go to the end like everybody else but they also ignored us. They couldn’t claim language barrier as one of the women spoke English, but pretended they didn’t hear us. We made sure to not leave any room in front or behind of us so they would be pushed out, but some silly person a few behind us let them in. It’s behavior like that that encourages line jumpers. Someone should write a sociology paper on this behavior; from signs at amusement parks I know it is prevalent elsewhere.
When we finally boarded the cable car we took position on the exterior, hanging on for somewhat-dear-life. Liz’s leg got hit by a car that didn’t know how to share the road, but thankfully it was just a tap. That didn’t stop us from glaring at the driver, however. They were tourists anyway, so it was all good.
After riding one form of SF public transportation we decided to try another, the Muni Metro. We took it to the Castro, but ended up walking through mostly residential neighborhoods for hours. The Muni metro is a very silly transportation system. The platform was very long, as if to accommodate a many-car train, but the train that arrived only had 2 cars. From my recent experiences aboard the metro I know this is not an unusual occurrence – so far the longest train I have seen has only had 4 cars. Regardless it got us where we were going, or where we thought we were going if we had actually paid attention to a map and not walked away from the neighborhood we had been trying to see. No matter, walking through residential streets holds an interest all its own, because SF is full of gorgeous Victorians that I can only dream to live in.
We grazed the end of Golden Gate Park before we decided we were hungry and drove to the Mission to inhale some yummy Mexican food. We then drove to Oakland to my brother’s apartment to crash for the evening.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Day 10: Las Vegas to San Francisco
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Day 9: We got up at 6:30 to hike the first length of the Bright Angel Trail – a 3 mile roundtrip hike to the first rest stop on the Trail and back - down the wall of the canyon. We brought lots of water and salty snacks, as they tell you to. The hike down was not tiring, but my legs started shaking after about 10 minutes. They are not used to continuous steep downgrades, obviously. The path was wide but a bit perilous with all the loose rock and dirt. OK, not that perilous but you constantly had to be on your guard about slipping. We reached the rest point after about an hour. The signs all say that it takes 1/3 of your hike to get down, and 2/3 to get back up. We were looking at 3 hours, which is about average for this trail. We rested at the stop for about ½ hour, and then started climbing back up. I got winded immediately, and drank lots of water. The downward path seemed endless, and I was afraid the up-canyon path would be even more so. It wasn’t. Lizzie and I went slow for a while, not wanting to push ourselves too much, but then I saw a marker near the top and got a second wind, powering up the rest of the path. It had taken us less time to reach the top as it had to get down. 2/3 as long, my ass. We were dripping with sweat, but it didn’t matter. It was 10:30 am and we were done with our first hike. We had time to do another hike, a level hike to the rim through forest. It was not a marked trail, which was all the better because we had it pretty much to ourselves. We walked through about a mile of forest with gorgeous grasses and wildflowers, til we reached the rim. I think it was the prettiest overlook yet. We ate a good lunch in the Arizona room at the Bright Angel Lodge in Grand Canyon Village and too off for Vegas. The road out of the Canyon (through the Kaibab National Forest again, and again not really a forest) was pretty. Rolling green shrubland as far as the eye can see – parts of it almost as flat as Kansas, with mountains framed in the distance. Wild sunflowers and a weird plant with the base looking like short corn and the top like saguaro cactus lined the road. We got on I40 headed west, apparently towards Los Angeles. I don’t get that – I-40 doesn’t actually reach LA, it stops when it hits I-15, which also doesn’t go to LA. So why did they put LA on the I-40 sign? Bizarre. Painful - gas is $3.09 in Arizona along I-40. Ouch. Gas pains aside, its on to Vegas, baby, Vegas! We drive over the Hoover Dam, which I previously would have been in awe of, except for two recent developments: 1) we just saw the grand canyon. Nothing can beat that, especially not something man-made; 2) recently read Cadillac Desert, which is about water in the west. Basically we have dammed up every single possible flow of water and not only is this affecting the former river environment in terms of fish species and the like, but we are also drawing more water than the system can handle. The book was written in the early 80s, the problems are so much worse now. So looking at the Hoover Dam, the engineering ‘wonder of the world’ I couldn’t help but think of the stupidity and hubris of our country in thinking it can tame nature and not reap the consequences. Ah well. Pretty Art-Deco sculptural work, tho. Now it’s on to Vegas, baby, Vegas! We drive to our hotel (after sitting in traffic for a half an hour to go 2 blocks), the Paris, check in, and take showers. Boy, are we dirty. Remember, we spent the morning hiking the Grand Canyon, and then hopped in the car. By the time we have scrubbed the filth off, we have to run to dinner before Alexa’s flight. We ate at the Paris buffet, which I had eaten at last time I was in town 5 years ago. I remembered it as an amazing culinary experience, and hyped it up to Alexa and Liz as such. They wanted to go to Nobu, which is apparently better than Nobu in NY, but I didn’t want to eat in a restaurant in Vegas a meal I could eat in NY. Why did I leave NY, then? The time crunch really decided things, tho. So we ate at Paris. It was not that good, certainly nothing close to my memory, and definitely not backing up my sales effort to Lex and Liz. Mediocre meal done, we dropped Alexa off at the airport exactly on time. Liz and I went to the “Fremont Street Experience,” which is the really old historic street of Vegas that they had decided to roof over (cause the rains in Vegas can really threaten a place). Lots of neon. Very cool. Then Liz and I went back to the hotel to take a nap so we can be refreshed for our Vegas experience. We got up at 3am (Vegas never sleeps, after all) and walked around the strip, ogling at all the fake monuments. We did the obligatory stop at New York, New York, amazed at how un-new york it looked. They poured that much money in and couldn’t even get it to look right? And the Brooklyn bridge had ads on it, damn Vegas. We did not ride the roller coaster as it does not run all night. The only people up and about were coming home from clubs drunk off their ass, or gambling. And there weren’t too many gamblers either. I don’t believe the hype, NY is still the city that never sleeps. I’ve been up at 2am in NY and the streets have been crowded. Vegas is a sham. After touring the casinos we decided to stop at one and gamble, like good tourists. We went to the Barbary Coast. Liz is a slot machine gambler; I used to be but not after realizing it’s a really boring and fast way to lose money. I played Blackjack in Vancouver in a dinky local casino and had a blast, so I was ready to try my luck at the big leagues. I did plunk a good $20 into the slots anyways, and lost it within 5 minutes. I thought slots are engineered to keep you there awhile before you lose everything? Not in my experience. Liz had wanted to try a table too so we went over to play some Blackjack, choosing a nice empty table since we don’t really know what we’re doing. The first dealer was nice. He, sadly, got replaced by an asshole. So we’re playing, and the dealer asks me what hotel I’m staying at. I reply, “the paris.” He says, “tomorrow, stop by a giftshop and pick up a card on how to play blackjack.” I was so offended. First of all, I’m a tourist. I know I don’t know how to play blackjack beyond the bare basics, and I’m there to find an enjoyable way to lose money, and am happy with any meager winnings. It’s the playing, not the winning that matters to me. Second of all, if I was really serious about playing blackjack, I wouldn’t have sat at a $5 table, which is the smallest minimum they have. After I was up $20 (to compensate for what I had lost at the slots) I withdrew. Not bad considering that’s a 33% increase over the $60 I began with. After that Liz and I left. It was daybreak already. Sweet. We went back to the hotel and crashed.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Day 8: Woken up at first by the fishers leaving at 5:30, I woke up for good when our alarm went off at 7:30. Time to drive to the Grand Canyon. We had been driving through the Kaibab National Forest, which didn’t look like much of a forest. I figure that in this land of deserts and shrubs any grouping of trees is special enough to warrant national forest attention. We got to the Grand Canyon at about 11am. What a big hole in the ground. We went around to the various viewing points, ate lunch in Grand Canyon Village and then did a hike around the rim. There were so many people there. I liked Zion much better. Less people, more up close and personal, more variety in activities. At the canyon your hiking choices are pretty much either super easy or very difficult. Every other sign they were warning you about hiking under the rim. “Can you run the Boston Marathon?” One went. “Margaret did. She died hiking Bright Angel Trail in 2004.” Gee thanks, scare the bejeezus out of me. We were planning on doing the Bright Angel Trail, the most popular trail in the park, the next morning. Turns out you can do several lengths of the trail without hiking the full length – a 6-9 hour hike. The first length is only 1.5 miles. Of course, that’s straight downhill, at which point you have to then go back straight uphill. They recommend leaving very early in the morning, and not hiking between 10 and 4pm because the temperature inside the canyon can get very hot and there is little to no shade. We exited the park and checked into our hotel in Tusayan (a town right outside the park). Alexa and I went looking for dinner and an internet café. The café was closed and the only thing in walking distance was a pseudo-diner. What a crappy restaurant. Ah well, can’t expect much in a town that lives and dies by its tourist trade.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Day 7: The day dawned bright and sunny and we were on our way to Zion National Park. We were going to get to a national park if it killed us. We drove along a deserted but very scenic road in Utah. The red cliffs in the desert were very striking, and they changed into rolling shrubland with the Sevier river running through. It looked like a great place to raft, since some parts were white-water. Next time I am in this part of the country Iwill have to go rafting. We entered Zion National Park. Considering that Lizzie had to go to 3 different places all over the isle of Manhattan to try to get the National Parks Pass, it was exciting to actually get to use it. Zion is simply breathtaking. Words can’t really describe it. Towering red cliffs, canyons with the Virgin River rushing through, all of it was spectacular. We went on three hikes, the last one being the best – scrambling on cliffs, crossing rickety bridges on a less used trail to end up overlooking the canyon. Sadly, it was time to leave. You could spend a few days in Zion, but we had to get moving. At this point the Check Engine light came on, but we studiously ignored it. Our original plan was to drive to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, but we nixed that in favor of visiting the Coral Pink Sands State Park, which we had seen advertised in Zion. We drove for about 12 miles on open rangeland, over a mountain until the sand dunes came into view. There was practically nobody there, and the sun was getting ready to set over the hills. There were miles of sand dunes stretching as far as the eye could see, more orange than coral pink, but still amazing. We took off our shoes and climbed some of them. The sand was super fine and cool. I resisted the urge to slide down the dunes. Some kids playing did not have such compunctions. We were exhausted by the time we got back to the car. Thankfully not too exhausted to drive to our next resting place, the Cliff Dwellers Lodge at the base of the Vermilion Cliffs in Arizona. On our drive out of the park we were stopped by a herd of cattle eating. We didn’t want to announce our presence in case the bull decided that we were an enemy, so we waited them out. And waited. And waited. Finally they were done dining along the edge and got off the road. Back on the main road, we crossed the Utah/Arizona border and gained an hour, because Arizona, like Indiana, does not observe daylight savings time. The Lodge was quite rustic, when Liz called for reservations the proprietor said they have beds, bathrooms, and bibles. It is used mainly for fishers. When we got there we were disappointed to discover that there were in fact no bibles. So sad. However, we could eat, sleep, and fish, according to the sign. Eat and sleep, yes. Getting up at 5:30am to fish? No thank you.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Day 6: I brought the car in to various Frisco auto repair shops, but no one was available to look at it immediately, and they all said the check engine light was nothing to worry about, so we headed on. We drove to Glenwood Springs to soak for a little in the world’s largest hot spring. We noticed the car starting to vibrate continuously (it was vibrating intermittently before) so we found a BP service station as soon as we got off the highway and dropped the car off to be looked at. What better way to while away the time than to soak in the springs. They had water slides too, so we were happily occupied. The BP guy pronounced our car’s engine peachy keen, said the vibration was most likely due to wheel alignment, but no big deal, so we got back on the highway west. We cruised along for a while, 80 miles per hour, when suddenly the tire blew out. The other back tire, shredded. Joy. This time we were stuck on the side of the busy and fast I70 in the middle of Colorado, not near much with sketchy cell phone service. We couldn’t budge the bolts, so I called Geico, who couldn’t get a hold of a towing company to change the tire. Meanwhile I called 911 to get a cop to stand by us so we don’t become a news headline. A cop from the town of Parachute, CO, pulled up, and he called for a tire guy. We chatted for a long while – very nice guy- until the tire guy came. In two seconds he had the tire changed. We drove on the spare to Grand Junction, about 40 miles down the interstate, to get to a Sears to buy a new tire. We decided to replace every single tire, because we were about to head into true middle of nowhere Utah without cell phone service, and if I couldn’t get emergency roadside service in somewhat populated Colorado than I would be flat out of luck in Utah. I don’t understand how a tire could shred, let alone two. When I bought the car I asked the mechanic who looked at it if the tires were good since I was driving cross country. He said they were fine. When the first tire shredded I asked the guys at Sears in PA if the other tires were fine, and they said yes. Grrrr. We had a great tour of the Mesa Mall while we waited Alexa conquered the tools section of Sears. 2 hours later we were on the road again. Our original plan for the day called for a brief stop in the hot springs, then an afternoon hiking in Arches National Park in Utah, dinner in Moab, sleeping in Richfield, another 2.5 hours west. We didn’t reach the Arches exit until after dark, so it was pointless to go. We still went to Moab for dinner because there is nothing else for hours in UT and we were hungry. Fighting fatigue we pulled into the hotel in Richfield about 1:30 in the morning.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Day 5: Today dawned nice and bright in Kansas City, MO. I went down to the concierge desk to inquire after an automotive repair shop to take a look at our engine. They told me that Firestone was open, shockingly for a Sunday in the heartland. I went back upstairs, showered, dressed, packed, and headed over to the Firestone. They don’t have the engine technician on Sundays. Of course. I called my insurance company, as I have emergency roadside assistance through them. They gave me the names of 3 companies. I called all of them, none of them were open. Lizzie called AAA, as she has a membership. They almost laughed, “You’re looking for automotive help, on a Sunday? Good luck!” They did, however, point us to a Wal-Mart (evil empire!). Interesting that a store that prides itself on its heartland values is open on a Sunday, the lords day. Wal-mart did not actually have a repair shop, they just had tire and lube changes. But we mustve looked pitiful so the guy gave a cursory glance over our engine, pronounced us fine to wait til the next day to check it out in Denver. Phew. We filled up the car, got back on the highway, and the Check Engine light went off. So bizarre. I’m not questioning our relative good luck, as we have a 9+ hour drive to Denver, with a stop along the way to visit the Concrete Garden of Eden. I had heard that Kansas is flat, but it didn’t look that way. Rolling hills with lots of green trees and lots and lots of corn. We first stopped off in Salina, to eat sliders at Cozy Burger, recommended by Roadfood. Each burger was 75cents, which would seem cheap until you saw how small the burgers were. They were ok. It was nice to stop, tho. Driving long distances in flat landscape is boring. We took at right at Lucas, KS, about 20 minutes off the highway, and miles away from civilization. Our destination was the concrete Garden of Eden. S.P.Dinsmoor, a civil war veteran, had decided to create a representation of the Garden of Eden, made out of concrete. Entirely self-taught (Grandma Moses he aint), he went on to create sculptures espousing his ideas of laborers and big business in modern society. He then left a clear request for mummification, and is still visible in the mausoleum in the backyard. Gruesome. In the giftshop I picked up brochures from the Kansas dept of tourism labeling the wildlife, grasses, and farm crops that you can see from the highway, so at least I would know what I was staring at. Back on the highway again, next stop is Goodland, KS, past the central/mountain time zone change. Past lucas the terrain turns into classic Kansan prairie. Miles and miles of flat farmland. You can do a 360 and not see a single hill. It was beautiful, but also boring. And Kansas is a big state. We reached Goodland several hours later. Goodland is the regional capital of the sunflower business (Kansas is, among other things, the sunflower state), and as such commissioned a giant Van Gogh reproduction of one of his sunflower paintings, set atop the Worlds Largest Easel. Why this isn’t visible from the highway is beyond me. I guess they want you to stop and spend money in Goodland, but all we did was drive 2 minutes off the highway, snap some pics, and get on our way. Next stop, Colorado. Eastern Colorado looks a lot like Kansas. The terrain slowly becomes rolling rangeland, which is somehow even more desolate than the farms of Kansas. After many hours we roll into Denver. We were staying the night at my friend Laura’s mountain place in Frisco, about an hour west of Denver. Laura currently lives in Manhattan, but happened to be in Wyoming this weekend and was coming back to her apartment in Denver for the week. She arrived about an hour before we did, which was perfect. We had eaten dinner in Denver earlier, so didn’t get to Frisco til midnight. The terrain at this point was drastically different than anything previous. We crossed the continental divide just before Frisco, and even though it was late at night we could still tell that the mountains were awe inspiring. Laura took us for a drive up the mountain to a meadow away from civilization so we could see the stars. We drove for a while on a dirt road illuminated by the moonlight. The only negative part was that you could still hear the highway noise even though you felt you were in the middle of nowhere. We got to bed at 2, which wasn’t ideal since we had to be up early the next morning to get the car checked out.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Day 4: We said goodbye to Todd and Sha and headed to the Indiana State Fair. In the weeks leading up to this trip I had researched state and county fairs on the internet, hoping to hit at least one in the journey. I had turned up nothing, so it was a pleasant surprise when Todd told us last night that the Indiana State Fair was in Indianapolis through this weekend. It brilliantly hot and sunny, and we found free parking, which is always a bonus. We walked into the fair and the first ‘attraction’ was the 4-H youth tractor driving event. That was amusing for about half a second, and then we got bored and continued on. We walked by the grandstand where they were racing chariots. That was cooler. We watched from the sidelines for a bit and then headed over to the Cloggers – basically tap dancers with taps on the heels of their sneakers. As exciting as this sounded, it wasn’t that exciting in person. Spying the Swine barn we went in to look at championship pigs. What a stench. We watched the pigs being paraded around and an announcer calling out all the salient features of each pig. We couldn’t tell them apart, but we trusted their judgement. About this time we grew hungry, which probably had nothing to do with the fact that we were passing rows and rows of fried food stalls. I had a pork burger, Alexa had a lamb burger – both of which were promoted by the Indiana Board of Pork and Lamb, respectively. Quite tasty. It started to rain, even tho moments before there was a bright blue sky with a blazing sun. After 5 minutes the rain stopped and the sun came out, as blindingly hot as ever. About this time we grew weary of the heat and fried food, and knew we had to get on our way if we were going to make it to St Louis to pick Lizzie up. Lizzie was flying in at 10am and going to the Cardinals game, which shouldve been over at about 4. We got onto the highway and headed west, cruising along at 70. The drive to St Louis passes through southern Illinois, miles and miles of really boring road. I didn’t see a single cop along the road, which was nice, but I still tried to keep close-ish to the speed limit, which was a paltry 65. I didn’t understand that. There was no sign of civilization on our drive, just miles of greenery (more of the kudzu that had blanketed trees all along our trip) , so why couldn’t they raise the speed limit to 70 like the neighboring states? Stingy Illinoisans. Just before we got to Missouri we passed a gigantic metal cross along the side of the road. It must’ve been about 7 stories tall, and was not surrounded by any buildings. Thanks for the reminder, Illinois. Thankfully, just past this was the Gateway Arch peeking up over the hills to announce our entrance to St Louis. Lizzie had gotten to St Louis at 10am, after working til 2:30 am and leaving her apt at 4:30 to get to the airport. She had then been at the game all day in the 90+ degree heat, without sunscreen. Needless to say, she was red and exhausted. We were originally planning to go to the City Museum, which is supposed to be pretty cool, but given Lizzie’s exhaustion and our need to get to Kansas City by nighttime, a 4 hour drive away, we decided to press on. The state of Missouri is similar to Illinois, but a lot more crowded along the Interstate. There were a lot more God, Bible, and Jesus signs, but a new addition were the anti-abortion signs, always followed right behind by casino and adult videostore signs. We found the juxtaposition apt. My favorite billboard along this stretch was a sign that said “Jesus” against orange and yellow rays, which echoed the sunset behind it (good placement, bible thumpers). I don’t know what I was supposed to do with this information, besides acknowledging that yes, Jesus is a word. I guess I was supposed to pray fervently in front, shouting ‘hail jesus! Praise be!,’ but somehow it didn’t move me, sunset and all. I wonder why. We entered Kansas City, MO at about 9:15 pm, heading straight to the BBQ place that was supposed to be open til 11pm. Wrong. It closed at 9. What is it with these places and the hours in guidebooks? Just goes to show you, always call ahead. We went to the hotel and asked if there was a bbq place open, and they directed us to Gates. It was very good. Finger licking good, if I may borrow the overused phrase. We got in the car and I noticed the Check Engine light was on. Uh-oh. It was too late to worry about it, so we headed back to the hotel, the 4* Hyatt Regency that we had gotten off of priceline for an obscene price, and collapsed in bed.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Day 3: We slept in this morning. Checked our email, chatted with Angela who had a "doctors appointment" this morning, and then repacked the car. Angela gave us her vacuum to re-deflate the bag. It's so much fun watching that thing do its magic. Big mound of linens one minute, flat, crinkly, heavy, solid wall of linens the next. We put the linens back in the trunk, put another bag on top, and promptly ripped the plastic. In one big poof the bag expanded. We put the other bags on top, crossed our fingers, and slammed the trunk. As long as we don't go back in to the trunk we should be fine. We hope. Angela's husband, Tim, works for a gas company; as a perk he gets free gasoline. We filled up the car with it ($2.43 for mid grade! The cheapest so far this trip has been $2.51 for low grade in Jersey, where its subsidized by the government) and went to Chipotle with Angela and Tim for lunch. After lunch Angela gave us directions to the field of corn. Now some people may think this is not an unusual thing for the midwest, as a large chunk of our drive since Pennsylvania has been past cornfields, but this field of corn is different. It's made out of concrete, to symbolize how suburbanization has taken over farming in the heartland. After frolicking in the field we get back on the highway and head west to Indianapolis. Cruising along I 70, going 70, we suddenly hit traffic. In the middle of nowhere. The left lane was stopped dead. The right lane was empty. Even though we thought other drivers knew something we didn't, we are still new yorkers, and went into the empty right lane. A couple of miles ahead there was a sign that said "right lane closed, 2 miles." Every car that was in the empty right lane was moving into the stopped left lane. We, of course, cruised right along in the right lane (with intermittent stops when the other drivers realized they too could use the empty lane)until we had to move into the left lane by traffic cones. Earlier we had done some research and decided to go to the Indianapolis Museum of Art, which according to Frommers was free. This was good because we were only going to get there at 4, an hour before it closed. We pull up at 4:15 and see that the museum charges $7 to get in. Damn Frommers. I ask the ticket person if there was a discount because it was so late in the day. She looked confused and said, "You know its only 3pm, right?" Apparently we had crossed into Central time without even knowing it. Later, my friend Todd told me that we were still in Eastern Time, but Eastern Standard and not Eastern Daylight. Indiana does not follow Daylight Savings. The museum was housed in a very pretty, airy building. There were 3 floors, but only the first was open, and the museum had not quite finished its renovation. There was a great exhibit on Overbeck Arts and Crafts Pottery. After the museum we headed up to my friend Todd's place, where he lives with his girlfriend, Sha (pronounced Shay). I tell Todd that our evening's activity is to go visit the World's Largest Ball of Paint, about an hour north of Indy. Sha can't come because she has to pick up her friends from the airport. We head north in Todd's car, through expanding Suburbia, until we hit Alexandria. Getting off the highway we are enveloped in cornfields. This is true middle of nowhere. About 5 miles down this country road we make a turn. A mile down that road we make it to the ball of paint. I had called earlier to make an appointment, because it is just this man and wife, Mike and Glenda, in the middle of nowhere, showing off their 17,000 pound ball of paint. They were prepared for us, with the layer of paint written on the ball, paintbrushes, and pictures illustrating the 28 year history of the ball. The damn thing is older than I am. Mike asks us which color with which to paint the ball. Paint the ball?! Awesome! The raison d'etre behind my cross country trek - to experience all of America's oddities, and here I was given the chance to participate in the experience! Layer # 19,059 was ours. I chose purple. Todd, Alexa, and I attacked the ball with gusto.While we were painting Mike regaled us with stories. Tom Green, the actor, had painted the ball back in the 17,000s. Dave Letterman wanted Mike to bring the ball of paint to NY. He was worried about transporting it so he declined. When we were finished Mike handed us a certificate with our names on it. That's definitely going to get framed. I bought a t-shirt ("I painted the world's largest ball of paint!") to support the operation. By the time we were done it was dark outside. A gorgeous red moon had risen in the east over the cornfields. We headed back to Indy on State Road 37, a country road that's more direct than the Interstate we took up there. Miles and miles of nothing but cornfields abruptly gave way to overpopulated suburbia, about 20 minutes outside of Indy.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
After a restful night we availed ourselves of the free Continental breakfast. We then drove on to Fallingwater, our first stop of the day. Designd by Frank Lloyd Wright over a waterfall (hence the name), Fallingwater is still as magnificent as the last time I was here, about 8 years ago. After Fallingwater we went to Kentuck Knob, another Frank Lloyd Wright house in the same area, albeit built 20 years later. The house is based on hexagons and triangles; there is not a single right angle in the house. Its awesome. Next up was the Creegan Animation factory, where they make animatronic figures. Sadly we weren't going to make it in time, so we decided to go on to Columbus. To make up for missing the factory, we decided to take a side tour and visit the Longaberger Basket Company headquarters, which is a building in the shape of a basket. I can't imagine what it would be like to go to work in a basket. Finally we ended up in Columbus, at the house of my friend Angela.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Day 1: We left Staten Island at 11:05am, 5 minutes after I had projectd. An auspicious beginning, if I do say so myself. First on the agenda, after a brief stopover in NJ to visit my aunt and uncle, was the Shoe House in Hellam, PA. I76 is ugly, made even more so with the expensive tolls. Speeding down I83 towards Hellam, I suddenly felt a tire go and the rim hit the road. I pulled over to assess the damage. The entire tire was a mass of shredded rubber. Joy. Now Alexa and I have changed tires before, so we weren't worried. Our feelings changed when we couldnt even get the tire out of the trunk. Now matter how hard we pulled, it wouldnt budge. Just then a guy pulled over and offered to help. Visions of Americas Most Wanted flashed in my head, but I ignored them. He reached in and unscrewed the lock holding the spare to the trunk, making us feel like idiots for not noticing that little feature. He changed the tire as well. Sometimes its good to look like a helpless girl. Spare on, we headed to the nearest Sears to get a new tire. Loading the spare back into the trunk, the vacuum packed bag of linens decided to open and expand. Considering that my trunk was full this was not a good thing. We shoved the bag in the backseat until we could get to a vacuum to re-deflate it. Finally it was time to go to the Shoe House. We pulled up, and there was a big closed sign on the gate. Ah well, we still got good pictures in the twilight. We then pressed on to Jones Mill, PA, site ofthe Log Cabin Motel. Hungry, we were told there was one place open til 10. We pulled up, and it had closed at 9. Auspicious day indeed. While we were driving to the unfortunate pub, we were greeted with a billboard that said, "The Bible...Good For Life." Thanks, Jones Mill, Pa, we really needed that little bit of salvation. It must have worked because we found a beer mart that sold sandwiches. The Log Cabin Motel was really quaint, as I'm sure it was built to be. Everything was made out of wood, except for the mattresses, thank god.